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Knjiga "Uvod u spektroskopiju za astronome" , Tijana Prodanović
Textbook "Introduction to spectroscopy for astronomers", Tijana Prodanović
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Astronomija je specifična nauka koja, za razliku od drugih naučnih disciplina, predmet svog istraživanja ne može da ispituje u laboratoriji, već se oslanja skoro isključivo na ono što vidimo. Međutim, svetlost astronomskih objekata krije u sebi obilje informacija o nastanku, evoluciji i strukturi tih objekata. Spektroskopija predstavlja način da te tajne koje u sebi krije emitovana svetlost i otključamo. Iz ovoga je jasno zašto spektroskopija kao naučna metoda predstavlja osnovni alat savremene astrofizike. Ova knjiga predstavlja elementarni uvod u ovu metodu, čije je poznavanje bitno kako profesionalnim astronomima i astrofizičarima, tako i svim ljubiteljima astronomije koji žele malo dublje da ispitaju suštinu objekata koje posmatraju.
Preuzmite Sadržaj , Indeks , Odlomak
Knjiga je u prodaji u Skriptarnici Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, Tel. 021/485-28-82. |
Book "Postcards from the Edge of the Universe"
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"Postcards from the Edge of the Universe" represents the antology of selected topics in modern astronomy. The book is written in a popular, easy to understand way, and is perfect for everyone who finds astronomy interesting and would like to read more about the great beyond. It represents a collection of featured articles writen by 24 astronomers from all around the world (myself being one of them) who were brought together by the Cosmic Diary, one of the cornerstone projects of International Year of Astronomy 2009. More about this book you can read at its official Postcards from the Edge of the Universe homepage
Download electronic version as PDF |
Research Interests
My research interests include predominantly topics in nuclear and particle astrophysics:
- - cosmic rays (Galactic and structure formation cosmic rays)
- - gamma rays
- - deuterium and LiBeB (particularly lithium) evolution
- - Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Science Communication
Recently I have become more interested and involved in science communication.
A project that really got me started in science communication was the FameLab competition where the goal is to find new faces of science among young people working in science. This project/competition was held in 10 nations separately, Serbian FameLab being one of them. Following that, national winners went on to have international FameLab competition, where I won the 2nd place, with my 3 min presentation on northern lights which you can check out here.
International Year of Astronomy 2009
As a part of IYA2009 teher was a national (Serbia) version of the project She Is An Astronomer project ("Ona je astronom"), which consted of blogging, but where bloggers are women astronomers, and I was one of them. Since the International Your of Astronomy is behind us, the blog is not very active now, but still from time to time there is an interesting text there to read so check it out!
Public Lectures and Activities
Important part of science communication is of course going out there and getting your hands dirty so I tend to do a lot of public lectures in schools (both elementary and high), astronomical societies, cultural centers, science festivals (in Belgrade and Novi Sad), at events like Reserchs' Night etc. Moreover, I also try to help others improve on their lecturing skills so I wrote a small guide as a starting point to giving good lectures which was published in (and appeared on the front page of!) Communicating Astronomy With the Public Journal. So if you'd like to see a popular science lecture on astronomy in your city or institution, just drop me an email and I'll be happy to come! :)
Recent Refereed Publications
Galactic Fly-Bys: New Source of Lithium Production
Tijana Prodanović, Tamara Bogdanović and Dejan Urošević
Submitted to PRD, (2012)
preprint: astro-ph/1211.3118 ;
Diffuse Gamma-Ray Emission from Large-Scale Structuresd
Aleksandra Dobardžić and Tijana Prodanović
Submitted to JCAP, (2012)
preprint: astro-ph/1210.4551 ;
Cosmic Gamma-Ray Background from Star-Forming Galaxies
Brian D. Fields, Vasiliki Pavlidou and Tijana Prodanović
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 722, L199 (2010)
preprint: astro-ph/1003.3647 ; Electronic ApJL
The Deuterium Abundance in the Local Interstellar Medium
Tijana Prodanović, Gary Steigman and Brian D. Fields
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 406, Issue 2, pp. 1108-1115 (2010)
preprint: astro-ph/0910.4961 ; Electronic MNRAS
FUSE Deuterium Observations: A Strong Case For Galactic Infall
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 09, pp. 003 (2008)
preprint: astro-ph/0804.3095 ; Electronic JCAP
Cosmological Cosmic Rays: Sharpening the Primordial Lithium Problem
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
Physical Review D, 76, 083003 (2007)
preprint: astro-ph/0709.3300 ; Electronic PRD
Diffuse Gamma Rays from the Galactic Plane: Probing the "GeV Excess" and Identifying the "TeV Excess"
Tijana Prodanović, Brian D. Fields and John F. Beacom
The Astroparticle Physics, 27, 10-20 (2007)
preprint: astro-ph/0603618 ; Electronic APh
Can Galactic Cosmic Rays Account for Solar Lithium-6 Without Overproducing Gamma Rays?
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 645 , L125-L128 (2006)
preprint: astro-ph/0605675 ; Electronic ApJL
Lithium-6 and Gamma Rays: Complementary Constraints on Cosmic-Ray History
Brian D. Fields and Tijana Prodanović
The Astrophysical Journal, 623, 877-888 (2005)
preprint: astro-ph/0407314 ; Electronic ApJ
Structure Formation Cosmic Rays: Identifying Observational Constraints
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
Serbian Astronomical Journal, 170, 33-45 (2005)
.pdf version available online
Lithium-6 and Gamma Rays: Constraints on Primordial Lithium, Cosmic Rays and Cosmic Star Formation
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
Nuclear Physics A, 758, 799c-802c (2005)
Probing Primordial and Pre-Galactic Lithium with High-Velocity Clouds
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 616, 115-118 (2004)
preprint: astro-ph/0412238 ; Electronic ApJL
The Pionic Contribution to Diffuse Gamma Rays: Upper Limits
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
Astroparticle Physics, 21, 627-635 (2004)
preprint: astro-ph/0403300 ; Electronic APh
On Non-Primordial Deuterium Production by Accelerated Particles
Tijana Prodanović and Brian D. Fields
The Astrophysical Journal, 597, 48-56 (2003)
preprint: astro-ph/0307183 ; Electronic ApJ
Belgrade University seminar, December 2012: "Bliski prolazi galaksija kao novi izvori kosmickog zracenja i litijuma"
SF11 Cosmology Summer Workshop, Santa Fe, July 2011: "Primordial Elements: Double Trouble "
First EuroGENESIS Workshop, Dubrovnik, November 2010: "What Can Gamma Rays Tell Us About Lithium Production"
Belgrade University seminar, March 2010: "Problem Galaktickog deuterijuma"
IAU Symposium 268: Light Elements in the Universe, Geneva, November 2009: "The (Un)True Deuterium Abundance in the Galactic Disk"
XV National Conference of Astronomers of Serbia, October 2008: "Constraining Galactic Infall With Deuterium Observations"
University of Chicago colloquium, June 2007: "Double Trouble: The Lihium Problems"
International Cosmic Ray Conference, Merida, Mexico, July 2007: "Can Solar 6Li Really Be Explained by Galactic Cosmic Rays? "
Belgrade University seminar, November 2006: "Kosmicko zracenje: problem litijuma i difuznog gama zracenja"
McGill University colloquium, January 2006: "Probing Dark Matter and Pre-Galactic Lihium Production with Hadronic Gamma Rays"
CITA colloquium, January 2006: "Probing Dark Matter and Pre-Galactic Lihium Production with Hadronic Gamma Rays"
North Carolina State University colloquium, December 2005: "Probing Dark Matter and Pre-Galactic Lihium Production with Hadronic Gamma Rays"
TeV Particle Astrophysics Workshop, Fermilab, July 2005: "Diffuse Gamma Rays: A Model Independent Approach"
Great Lakes Cosmology VII, Ann Arbor, May 2003: "On Non-Primordial Deuterium Production by Accelerated Particles"
Deuterium Link: From Interstellar Medium and Chemical Evolution to Cosmology and Structure Formation
Tijana Prodanović, Gary Steigman and Brian. D. Fields
Nuclei in the Cosmos XI Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany; July 19-23rd, 2010
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New Constraints of Galactic Infall From Deuterium Observations
Tijana Prodanović and Brian. D. Fields
Nuclei in the Cosmos X Symposium, Mackinac Island, Michigan, USA; July 27- August 1, 2008
.ps version .pdf version
Lithium-6 and Gamma Rays: Constraints on Primordial Lithium, Cosmic-Rays and Cosmic Star Formation
Tijana Prodanović and Brian. D. Fields
Nuclei in the Cosmos VIII Symposium, Vancouver, B.C., Canada; July 19-23, 2004
.ps version .pdf version
Brian D. Fields @ University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Vasiliki Pavlidou @ University of Crete
Tamara Bogdanović @ University of Maryland
Aleksandra Dobardžić @ University of Belgrade
Dejan Urošević @ University of Belgrade
John F. Beacom @ Ohio State University
Gary Steigman @ Ohio State University